Sunday, May 31, 2015


Word of the Day

enamor discuss

Definition:(verb) To inspire with love.
Synonyms:bewitch, captivate, charm, entrance, enchant, beguile, capture, fascinate, catch
Usage:The vacationers were enamored with the charming island and extended their trip so that they could spend more time there.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Guest post from All Ears English: Episode 326 - Jennifer Tarle Shows You Three Immediate Action Steps to Improve Your American English Vowel Sounds

Today let's see a guest post from All Ears English. I do like All Ears English and Jennifer Tarle, and I initiated invite her to the show. So let's join Episode 326.

"Today we have a special guest on the show!  You’ll find out the 3 mistakes you are making with your American English vowel sounds and how to solve your problem today!

Click here to listen to this episode

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Top 10 ESL Consonant mistake by Jennifer Tarle

Hi everyone,

Some weeks ago, I was writing about Jennifer Tarle’s great video lesson on top 10 ESL Vowel mistakes. Some readers asked me if Jennifer has something similar in connection with consonants. The answer is definitely yes. So today, I would like to tell you my thoughts about her video lessons on the top 10 consonant mistakes.

Friday, April 17, 2015

TOP 10 ESL Vowel Mistakes by Jennifer Tarle

Hi everyone,

Jennifer Tarle is among my favorite pronunciation teachers. That’s why I’ve been following her activities, keeping contact her since I published my first article about her. Some weeks ago, she held an online free class about top 10 consonant and a little later about to 10 vowel mistakes. However, consonants can also be tricky and hard to learn, the American vowels are even greater challenge. That’s why I’m going to write about her lesson on vowels. It won’t be only a summary, but I’m also going to give my views and thoughts to some parts of Jennifer lesson.

(Updated on May 10, 2015: Links to individual sounds of Jennifer's "Vowel sounds" series are added.)

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Gabby's Fluent 15

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about Gabby’s Go Natural English. I mentioned one of her new project called ”Fluent 15”. Thanks to Gabby, I got one month acces to this program an now I’m able to give you some more details.

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Do you speak American?

Hey Guys,

It won't be a long post. I would like to show you an awesome 3-episode-series on youtube entitled "Do you speak American".

Part 1

Part 2
Part 3




Thursday, January 22, 2015

Go Natural English – Meet Gabby Wallace

Hey Guys,

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about All Ears English podcast, that was founded by Lindsay McMahon and Gabby Wallace. I mentioned that Gabby left All Ears English after working for one year on episodes of All Ears English. In this post, I’m going to give you more details about her own project called Go Natural English and my personal impressions about Gabby and her methods.